News and Events
IJL fellow published by Pulitzer Center
Vox: The impossible task of truth and reconciliation
Panel: Getting at the Root: Perspectives on Global Justice, Truth Telling and Accountability
NPR's Radio Times: Does the U.S. need a truth and reconciliation commission?
Transitional Justice and Lynching in Maryland
Does America Need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission?
Prof. Zvobgo on PRX's The World
U.S. Foreign Policy Needs to Begin at Home: IJL's Zvobgo
The Atlantic: Don’t Move On Just Yet
US Movement for Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation
Foreign Policy Begins At Home
'This Is Not Who We Are' Is a Great American Myth
Not a Moment but a Movement: The Case for Transitional Justice in the U.S.
Some people want a U.S. truth commission. But truth commissions have limits.
Despite U.S. sanctions, the International Criminal Court will keep investigating alleged war crimes
Some lawmakers are calling for truth commissions on racial violence. How do these work?