Zoha Siddiqui, Alexandra Byrne, and Bilen Zerie (pictured left to right with Dr. Zvobgo) graduated summa cum laude with Phi Beta Kappa honors from William & Mary.
Upon their graduation, Dr. Zvobgo had this to say about the new alumnae: "I am immensely proud of them. They are brilliant, hardworking and compassionate. They made me a professor, independent project advisor and lab director. They inspire me every day, and I am grateful to have had them through their college experience and my first four years at W&M. This makes it hard for me to imagine the university without them but I am so excited for the trails they will blaze and the better world they are committed to creating."
Zoha is off to Belfast her master's at Queen's, Bilen, to prepare for law school, and Alexandra, to interning at the Pulitzer Center.